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from Nature

“Transform Yoursef - Learning from Nature” workshop is an experiential five days workshop about your Self perceptions, that are determined by its relations with other phenomena and that are changed by the very act of observation.


The fundamental longing of humans is to connect ourselves with our own essence. It is not about how to act with more rational knowledge, but to create a bridge between your rational mind and your inner wisdom, developing the necessary emotional strength and spiritual power.


The magic of nature and the beauty can deliver you the peace, the love, the intuitions and the calm you need in challenging chaotic times.


The objectives of the workshop "Transform Yourself - Learning from Nature" are:


Starting transformational process

To create the field and open the space for transformation, redirect your attention from outside to inside, practice the listening to yourself and experience the deep breath of life that is breathing within you. The path from outside to inside. The quality of your inner space.


Ensoul your perception

Change your perceptions, experience the wonder of an ensouled world. Create your symbols, discover your mirrors, create your metaphors from your experience with nature. Add transpersonal spiritual energies.  Develop your ability to sense. Trust your sensibility and trust your intuition. Use imagination.


Live Sustaining Transformation

Love yourself, improve your self-esteem, rehearse presence, develop imagination, live harmonious life during your systemic transformation. 


Come back from inside to outside

Act with your roots in your soul. Explore the future from within. Letting go, letting come. Authenticity and the courage to speak with your voice. Show yourself. The U movement.


Share and harvest

The key lies in transforming both our capacity to see and sense, and our capacity to create. 


Be whole, be connected

Build your capacity to see that no longer separate the observer from what’s observed; a new capacity for stillness that no longer fragments who we really are from what’s emerging. 


Explore the future from within

And a new capacity to create alternative realities that no longer fragments the wisdom of your head, heart and hand. A synthesis of all different facets of a single way of being.

All details about the workshop can be found HERE.

Date: October 31st to November 4th, 2016 


Venue: Calabria, South Italy (organic farm Priscopio, Ciaramiti di Ricadi) (4 km from Tropea)

Arrival airport: Lamezia Terme


Facilitators: Elena Franzini (Aura, Calabria, South Italy); Jasenka Gojšić (Isoropia, Zagreb, Croatia), Mare Šuljak (Isoropia, Zagreb, Croatia)


Costs: 60€/person/day food and accomodation (double or triple bedroom)

Participation fee:

  • individuals, NGO and associations 350€

(could be fully funded wih Erasmus+ Mobility)

  • corporate 700€



Tel: +39-349-1963178

Participant registration is available HERE.


The focus is on capacity building for teachers, facilitators, innovators and change makers.


Daily structure for all workshops: 10.00 – 19.00

10.00 Opening Circle / Harvesting Circle

11.00 Work Session I - Barefoot Soil Walk, Framing Your Presence, Step in a Wather, Voice Walk, Explore the Future from Within

13.00 Lunch


15.00 Work Session II - Experiential lab - Connect Yourself and Nature, Night hike, Visiting Tropea, Title of a Book of My Life

19.00 Dinner

Feel free to innovate and cocreate with us the workshop contents. Bring your favorite music (instruments), games, inspirations for others, etc...

Daily “soul check-in”, journaling on your role in life, inner conversations, inspiration from nature and transpersonal experiences are essential parts of the workshop.

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