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Isoropia d.o.o. is a privately owned company, established in  2007 to enable a balanced career or its owner and promote an authentic way of living and working. It provides support in personal, organizational and community transformations by training, facilitating, consulting, and participating in projects which fulfill the deepest desires of groups of people (HUB in Zagreb, the biodynamic farm "Old School" in Pisarovina county, Croatia) . 


Isoropia is a project based organization, achieving its goals in partnerships with other organizations and individuals. It is a member of several national, international and regional professional networks: Šesti oblik, Art of Hosting, the Society of Organizational Learning, the International Partnership for Transformational Learning and DUNA Vision.


The principles which guide our actions are: a strong belief in the potential of all individuals and groups, participatory processes, collaboration and growing number of people with a need to live an authentic life.


Our mission is to help people, organizations and communities to inquiry into those fundamental questions of their purpose and then support them in living authentically, by providing on-going support, training programs for competency gap, and consult them during the process of organizational development.

Mare Šuljak a visual artist, working as a freelancer. She is a longtime associate of Isoropia and makes visual materials for different Workshops. She is also a member of Grundivg Learning Partnership Project "Enhancing Transformation in Time of Chaos and Crises", as an associate


As an artist and leader of art workshops Mare provides students with the tools for making models of their dreams through art. She uses drawing techniques and teaches attendees to look at the object of interest and its transformation resulting from the change in perspective. She uses the medium of painting to create awareness and visualization of internal chaos and crisis in order to understand better the need for transformation.

mr. sc. Jasenka Gojčić the owner of Isoropia, with 23 years of experience in leadership and management, always focused on the growth of people involved in an endeavour. As a mentor, teacher and trainer, she supports transformation by experiential learning.


Jasenka was a member of the core team of the International Partnership for Transformational Learning in 2014. IPTL is a network of today’s leaders in transformative and life-long learning. In the role of the Art of Hosting facilitator, she hosts conversations and collaborations of large groups, gathered to address deeply meaningful questions for them.  


Believing in regional specifics and local influence, she joined DUNA vision and SoL Duna initiatives in creating a new curriculum in order to increase the capacity for participative leadership. Jasenka was a team member of the Grundvig learning partnership project "Enhancing Transformation in Time of Chaos and Crises", as an associate of DIM NGO.

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